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Are you preparing for the exams? Take a deep breath. Don’t let stress get the best of you.
Remember the days when students seemed to thrive on last-minute cramming. I wouldn’t mind saying that this conventional approach had been failing nowadays the majority of students use their logical and intellectual ability to crack the exams. It is seen that only subject knowledge is not enough for a student to score good, the thing that matters a lot is mental stability, which is shaken prior few days of examinations. Here are some excellent tips for you to crack the exams with good scores by relaxing your mind and body.
The first and foremost which I believe prove fruitful for the students is planning. In general, Planning is the process of thinking about the activities required to achieve the desired goal. Students must grid up the lions to score high in the exams. Here, students can make a time table as per the count of subjects involved in the course. Noticeably, students must devote more time to tough subjects in comparison to the easiest one. Apart from this, all the subject notes must be arranged in a file. The idea that will definitely work here is making notes of tough topics in your own language. Myriad of books, magazines, class notes, and the internet can act as the best source to collect information.
Moreover, one must organize the study space; beautify it as per your requirement and taste. Dirty and messy study space with unpleasant odour can hamper your performance and suddenly will make you bore. Finding a quiet and comfortable space for studying will act as catalysts for getting success in study. Additionally, taking breaks from studies can improve focus as well as attention. It is pivotal to plan for the right type of activity for your study breaks so that you will be ready to get back to your books with refreshed mind. Not only activities such as walking, stretching, taking a quick shower, cooking a healthy meal, meditation will invigorate the mind but also keeping a water bottle near you while studying and drinking water at regular intervals will help the mind to absorb more information.
In order to improve your question-solving speed and accuracy, frequent revision with sample papers or previous years question papers is extremely important. Try to solve at least one question paper in a stipulated time period. Eventually, trust yourself. Be confident and self-motivator. Exams are not the end of the world but they are a part of the school/college life and education system. Life is full of opportunities so enjoy and give your best at every phase of life. Remember 3C’s Calm, Concentrate, and Connect. Do not forget to remain calm, concentrate on your studies and stay well connected with the subjects you find difficult.
In conclusion, learners must do something every day that will inch them closer to a better tomorrow. Mere half-hearted efforts in the exams will not take you through. Follow the above tips and try to instil a good learning habit; the results would be highly encouraging.