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A webinar on “Twist of taste” was organized by Hotel Management Department of Shree Hanumat Institute of Management and Technology, Goraya Punjab. The expert for the webinar was “Celebrity Master Chef Dr. Kaviraj Khialani”.

He has great personality and got rewarded by “Bharat vidya ratan” award and also won the title of best chef in Asia. Chef is specialised in over 33 international cuisines. He also wrote a book on cookery by the name of “Arabic Cookery”. He has worked with Taj group of hotels as an Executive chef in Kuwait airways.

Webinar was attended by several college Students and university Professors from the north region. In this webinar Chef shared his valuable industrial as well as academic experiences. The main motive to conduct the webinar was to make the youth aware of the latest food trends and the global scenario of the hospitality sector & give a brief knowledge on different cuisines and their variation in Indian and international Cuisine. He also shared some healthy food recipes with  the  participants.  The participants who attended the webinar were awarded by E-certificate. Dr. Shelly Rekhi Sharma; Director of Shree Hanumat Institute of Management and Technology also joined the webinar and expressed  her gratitude to the chef for his valuable time. She also shared her views on the importance of cuisine and cooking in everyone’s life and said we all need to learn cooking skills for a better life.

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  • Start Time

    3:00 pm
  • Finish Time

    4:00 pm
  • Day

    March 20, 2021
  • Address

    SHIMT Goraya


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