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With the thought of promoting the campus life of SHIMTIANS, collage making competition was organized for Management students. At this moment, students were briefed about the significance of Collage, which is a technique of an art production, primarily used in the visual arts, where the artwork is made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole.

The black & white theme attracted the attention of students. The competition started at 2.30 pm. All the participants brought the required materials and grabbed their seats. The time allotted was one and a half hour. Participants were given ample opportunities to showcase their creativity. All the students participated enthusiastically along with competitive spirit. The students were judged on the basis of their creativity & presentation.

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  • Start Time

    2:00 pm
  • Finish Time

    3:00 pm
  • Day

    August 28, 2019
  • Address

    BBA Department


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