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What’s Your Problem

“What’s your problem” activity was conducted by the commerce department of Shree Hanumat Institute of Management and Technology, Goraya. This was a problem-solving technique followed in the classroom to understand the various problems of students and try to find an appropriate solution for those problems.

In this activity, each student shares one of his/her problems with the entire classroom and all other students provided different solutions for their problem. Then the most acceptable solution will be followed by that student. In the real world, students encounter problems that are complex, not well defined, and lack a clear solution and approach. They need to be able to identify and apply different strategies to solve these problems. However, problem-solving skills do not necessarily develop naturally; they need to be explicitly taught in a way that can be transferred across multiple settings and contexts. So, this activity will help them in effectively solve the problems in personal as well as corporate life.

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  • Start Time

    2:00 pm
  • Finish Time

    3:00 pm
  • Day

    January 23, 2020
  • Address

    BCOM Department


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