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“Debugging competition” was organized by Department of Computer Science on 1st October 2019. This competition was organized with the motive to improve the skills of problem solving as well as program debugging techniques, also the algorithmic thinking widens the perspective of students. In this competition, complex algorithm based programs in “C++” were given with syntactical, logical and program design errors. As per the conditions, participants had to solve all types of errors with correct output of the program in minimum time to win the competition. The event received good response.

The activity was judged by Er. Manpreet Singh, Head of Department (Computer Science). He said, “These competitions will enhance student’s skills and knowledge”. Dr. Shelly Rekhi Sharma, Director, SHIMT appreciated the students’ work & thoughts and congratulated the winner.

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  • Start Time

    2:00 pm
  • Finish Time

    4:00 pm
  • Day

    October 1, 2019
  • Address

    BCA Department


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