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BCA definitely is not the one and only thing that you can do to better your career. But it is certainly one of the things that can help you climb higher echelons of the career ladder. A course in computer applications can definitely help you achieve your career goals in a more practical and realistic way. If you haven’t done a degree course in computer applications and are wondering if it is possible for you to take up a job in this field, then here is good news for you. There are many institutions that offer certificate courses in computer applications. Such courses have come across as a boon to people who want to pursue non-engineering IT careers. The best thing about a computer applications course is that it can be a stepping stone to any good career of your choice.
• You will be surprised to know that a lot of companies have begun to prefer computer applications students over engineering students, because they have come to realise that the former can do everything that the latter can, without really being short in any respect. So, it is very much understandable why there is a rise in the number of companies willing to hire BCA graduates. They have the calibre and capacity to work in areas where engineering candidates work.
• Even if you are a BCA degree holder, you can take some accessories certificate courses in areas like developing animation and gaming software programs. Such certificate trainings will act as an icing on the cake. And since you are from a computer applications background, it will be easier for you to reap greater benefits from these certificate courses, also available to students belonging to non-IT backgrounds.
• The number of career opportunities available at your disposal, when you are a BCA graduate, is huge. With your programming skills, you will be able to take up roles like software test engineer, software developer, etc. You can also take up jobs like Software Sales Engineer, Web Designer, Technical Writer and Technical Support Engineer.
• After you have completed your degree in computer applications, you can take up certain network certification courses like Microsoft certified MCSE, Cisco Certified CCNA, etc. With these certificates in your arsenal, you will definitely be able to land high paying jobs and research careers in the networking domain. The positions you’ll be able to hold include service administrator and network engineer.
With academic qualification in computer applications, you will be able to take up any job that makes use of computer technologies. So, starting from BPOs, billing and inventory, marketing, advertising and sound engineering to fashion designing and banks, you can find a job anywhere you like.
Another important benefit of is that a lot of companies hire degree level students and then offer them opportunities to pursue higher degrees in computer applications from good educational institutes. These courses are companies funded so you don’t have to pay any money.
So, the numbers of benefits you get by taking up a course in computer applications like BCA are many. What makes you wait? Consider it seriously today.