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Cloud computing workshop was held by Assistant Professor Ms. Swati Arora, Computer Science Department of Shree Hanumat Institute of Management and Technology, Goraya on 04-10-2018. In this Workshop participants were taught the following Topics:

  • What is cloud computing?

  • Benefits of cloud computing.

  • Why everyone is moving their data to cloud?

  • Different types of cloud deployment models.

  • Different types of cloud service models.

  • Implementation of cloud computing.

This workshop was conducted to let participants know that where the technology has moved till now and to let them know how they can cut their cost in computing. They only need to pay for the services they use. Information about security, flexibility and mobility was also provided. All the participants took keen interest in the workshop as it was carried out in a very effective way.


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  • Start Time

    12:00 pm
  • Finish Time

    2:00 pm
  • Day

    October 4, 2018
  • Address



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