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Every moment of our life is unscripted like an extempore competition. Thus, we should learn to be spontaneous and act calm.  The excitement and curiosity of unknown is actually the beauty of this competition.

An extempore competition was organised for the students of Commerce Department of Shree Hanumat Institute of Management and Technology to mark the occasion of India’s 73rd Independence Day. Students were zealous yet in their calm domain to tackle the uncertain topics.

Participants were given one minute to prepare a minute’s speech on various topics related to our nation and the journey from 1947 till day. The participants were judged on the basis of content, confidence, voice modulation, pronunciation and overall impact.

One has rightly said, “For effective extempore speaking a participant must be fluent, erudite and articulate.”

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  • Start Time

    2:00 pm
  • Finish Time

    3:00 pm
  • Day

    August 14, 2019
  • Address

    BCOM Department


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