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“Nine Dots” activity was conducted by Commerce Department of Shree Hanumat-IMT, Goraya for the students of B.Com 1st semester. In this activity all students were participated. In a board that is visible to all participants, mark 9 dots. Instruct them to cut the 9 dots using 4 lines.

The lines should be drawn at a stretch while not lifting the pen from the paper and lines should not overlap each other. The students should be instructed to attempt this puzzle on their separate sheets of paper and once they have finished the puzzle the sheet of paper should be kept face down on the table. This activity will require about 8 minutes.

Discuss with the participants if they faced difficulty while trying to solve the puzzle. Let them understand that the difficulty was due to the reluctance to draw the lines out of the box. But there was no rule that said that drawing out of the box was prohibited.

The objective of this activity, all students learn about that it is easier to face challenges if creative ways of thinking are sought instead of staying inside the traditional thinking framework. All the students participated enthusiastically and every student played role very well.

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  • Start Time

    2:00 pm
  • Finish Time

    4:00 pm
  • Day

    January 29, 2021
  • Address

    SHIMT Goraya


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