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Get on that chair

“Get on that chair” activity was conducted by the commerce department of Shree Hanumat Institute of Management and Technology, Goraya. In this activity, students have to stand on a chair and then they must arrange themselves according to your birthday month or as per the instructions given by the teacher.

The main purpose of this activity was to create a team spirit among the students, to check how cordial students are with each other. Basically, this activity was about making different strategies through which they can perform the task without uttering a single word. This kind of activity compliment their personal grooming with the art of living and working together. With the help of this activity, students discovered their hidden traits like – observation skills, teamwork, leadership skill and how proactive they are. Students were very enthusiastic while performing this activity and they performed up to the mark.


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  • Start Time

    2:00 pm
  • Finish Time

    3:00 pm
  • Day

    January 23, 2020
  • Address

    BCOM Department


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