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Creativity, innovation and quality education are core values of SHIMT. With this vision ‘Case study analysis’ activity was organized by Department Of Commerce. Students of (P) semester 1 participated in this activity. The activity was conducted in form of groups. This activity boosted their logical as well as analytical skills. It can be called a success as a pool of out of the box ideas, opinions and possible solutions was generated by the end. This activity also brought forward the role and importance of perception.
• Different case studies have been provided to different groups.
• Students analysed the situation, pointed out the issues and suggested possible solutions.
• The case studies were given on the spot so that the students can learn to react spontaneously.
It will make them proactive and job ready for facing future challenges.

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  • Start Time

    10:00 am
  • Finish Time

    11:00 am
  • Day

    August 23, 2018
  • Address

    Commerce Department, SHIMT


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